The little BITCH!  Kawasaka was in a rage of his own as Kaoru took the first step past him.  He could not believe that she gave up the money for that...assasin!  In his anger, he abandoned the dagger on his side and grabbed his sword hilt instead.  He was going to slaughter Battou-sai, then he was going to take his woman, and kill her as well!!  Just the pleasure of that thought kept him from rushing to kill them where they stood.
 His little song bird was still singing.  Even he couldn't help but be affected by the sweet sound of her voice while she begged the red-headed bastard for love.  Kawasaka felt need for her grip him and grimly acknowledged that the little tease had to die first.  I'll make Battou-sai suffer before I kill him.  He slowly unsheathed his sword and walked quietly to where the drama before him was unfolding.
 Not to say that he wasn't enjoying it.  He couldn't recall a kiss that looked as electrifying as the one taking place before him.  He would be sure to take such pleasures from her himself, as she looked like one of the many professionals he housed upstairs.  Then again, maybe I won't kill her, he thought, I'll just make her work hard in my brothel...after I
tire of her, of course.  He grinned evilly and came to stand two feet away from Kaoru's back.
 He knew the moment that Battou-sai noticed him, as the atmosphere of heat was suddenly banked by the coldness of danger.  The hair at Kawasaka's neck stood on end and he gripped his sword tightly in response.  Battou-sai's eyes met his in challenge, Kawasaka smirked and brought the tip of his sword directly to the back of Kaoru's head.  Battou-sai's narrowed and Kawasaka knew a communication of some sort passed between him and the girl because she suddenly stiffened. Kawasaka knew he had the upper-hand on Battou-sai now.  And with the girl so vulnerable, maybe it would be worth it to kill her right here, to complete Battou-sai's re-emergence and to complete my mission, Kawasaka thought.  It was a shame that someone so young and beautiful had to die in such an awful manner, and Kawasaka knew that he would never forget the kiss he had stolen from her.  Somewhere deep inside, he might even treasure it.  Oh well, he thought. And he moved his sword arm back to gain momentum for when his sword would enter Kaoru's body.
 Yet at the same time, a sword was drawn from nowhere and the Battou-sai lunged at him.  Only years of self-preservation and instinct allowed Kawasaka to jump back and dodge the drawn blade.  Kawasaka's mind was muddled from the lightining swiftness which had allowed Battou-sai to be such a complete killer ten years ago and could not hold on to his own sword when it was suddenly struck away with great force.  He held himself still as he felt a blade pressed to his neck, drawing blood.
 "Kenshin, let Kawasaka-san go!"  Kaoru held the sakaba sword with two hands, warily watching Battou-sai.
 "No."  Battou-sai's hate filled eyes met those of Kaoru, "Not until he pays for what he's done."
 Kaoru's eyes widened in disbelief.  She lowered the sakaba sword in confusion,  "Kenshin?"
 There was a moment of heavy silence then a hard rasping voice was filling Kawasaka's ear.
 "Let Megumi go, now.  Or I'll kill you and free her myself."

  * * * * * * * * *

 The sun was low, hidden behind the houses in the city, casting growing shadows all around.  The wind was cooler now, especially in the alley where Yahiko was slowly gaining conciousness.  He felt dizzy as he sat up and leaned against the wall, trying to remember what had happened to him.  He gingerly touched the sore spot on the back of his head and frowned when pain overwhelmed him. I've gotta get help...he slowly rose to his feet with the assistance of the wall and stumbled forward into the light of the street.  Blinking, squinting, at the sun's glare, he realized that he wasn't to far from the Akabeko restaurant.  Gathering what strength he had left, he began to march...

  * * * * * * * * *

 Sanosuke came running into a clearing in the forest,  a clearing that was supposed to have been the headquarters for the group of murderers who killed on the north road.  Sano looked around in confusion.  Then he saw them...they were all dead.
 Sano stood in shock for a moment when he realized that there was complete silence around him.  He began to walk around to look for survivors.  As he walked through the camp, he saw the bodies of men with their eyes still open, a look of surprise on their faces.  Most of the bodies had swords still clutched in their hands or laying nearby where numb, cold  fingers had dropped them.  Sanosuke was about to turn to leave when he heard movement.  He jerked around to see one of the felled on hands and knees crawl towards him painfully.  Sano rushed to the injured man's side and leaned him against the nearest tree.
 "Are you alright?" Sanosuke asked, looking at the wounds inflicted on the man, knowing full well that he wasn't.
 "I am..Takida.." The man couldn't finish as he began to cough great tearing coughs.
 Sanosuke could do nothing more than watch Takida as the dying man managed to whisper his last words...

  *  *  *  *  *
 When Himura Battou-sai made an order, it was best and healthiest to fulfill it.  Megumi was promptly released from bondage, the two guards now trussed and tied up together, thanks to Kaoru's handiwork.  Meanwhile, Megumi was sent upstairs to tell the girls there that their life of prostitution at this particular establishment was at an end.  Some shouts of happiness, some of anger were heard and through it all, the confident sound of Megumi's voice as she either encouraged or sharply reprimanded the woman at hand.  The pouches of coins left on the table were now given to the young girls and women who'd actually worked and earned them.
 When Megumi returned to tell Kaoru and Ken-san that the house was completely empty, she was shocked to see Kawasaka's form lying lifeless on the ground while Kaoru faced Kenshin, sakaba sword gripped tightly in an offensive stance.  There was blood dripping from a wound on her arm...
 "Battou-sai!  Drop the sword. NOW!"